a Father's Presence Matter?
Children With Involved, Loving Fathers Are More Likely to: do well
in school have healthy self-esteem avoid high risk behaviors like drug use and truancy
**Children from Fatherless Homes Are:
**(Source: data from It's Better to Build Boys Than to Mend Men, 2004, Looking Glass Books, by S. Truett Cathy, Founder of Chick-Fil-A.) (also a must read)
Must Reads:
- Divorced
Dads - Shattering the Myths, Sanford L. Braver, Ph.D. and Diane O'Connell, Tarcher/Putnam, 1998 (248 pp)
- Save the Males, Why Men Matter, Why Women
Should Care, Kathleen Parker, Random House, 2008 (198 pp)
c 2011, Men of Valor A Denver Based 501-C-(3)
Non Profit Corporation Established in 2004