Men of Valor

Men of Valor Are Faithful Fathers


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Men of Valor's GOAL is to turn the hearts of FATHERS and CHILDREN to each other  (Malachi 4:6.......)
Men of Valor's MISSION is to reverse the scourge...the curse..... of father-less-ness that threatens our very nation...
To AWAKEN our consciences regarding the need of our children for each God given parent, both mom and dad ..........
To INSPIRE and help father's create a future "greatest generation" of their kids...
To ENCOURAGE our children so that they find their way...
To CREATE forever memories of LOVE and JOY for fathers and their kids...
To HONOR both father and mother...
To DEVELOP leadership and character building skills of fathers...
To ESTABLISH a first class fixed facility in the Colorado Mountains... 
To ESTABLISH this year round facility as a center of EXCELLENCE for activities, retreats, and cabin camping specifically for fathers with their children (both boys & girls)...
Men Of Valor
    Faithful Fathers






Children spell "LOVE"
       as T-I-M-E.  
Men of Valor champions fathers
       to "be there".
African Saying:  "It takes a village to raise a child."
African Practice: "The Faithful Father is the center of  that village!" 

Former President George Bush stated, "Over the past four decades, father-less-ness has emerged as one of our greatest social problems.  We know that children who grow up with absent fathers can suffer lasting damage.  They are more likely to end up in poverty or drop out of school, become addicted to drugs, have a child out of wedlock, or end up in prison." (speech, National Fatherhood Initiative's Fourth Annual Summit on Fatherhood in Washington, D.C., June 7, 2001). 

Best Parent

Former President Bill Clinton uttered, "The single biggest social problem in our society may be the growing absence of fathers from their children's homes because it contributes to so many other social problems."  (speech, University of Texas, Austin, October 16, 1995).

© 2011, Men of Valor
A Denver Based 501-C-(3) Non Profit Corporation
Established in 2004